Drawing Graphs using Graphviz
Table of Contents
- homepage: http://www.graphviz.org/
- dot guide: http://www.graphviz.org/pdf/dotguide.pdf
- Output Formats: http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html
- Command-line Invocation: http://graphviz.org/content/command-line-invocation
- Color Names: http://www.graphviz.org/content/color-names
Embedding Dot in Emacs
Dot: Hello world
Create a file called hello.gv
and input:
graph graphname { a -- b; b -- c; b -- d; d -- a; }
And use the following command to generate the png file:
dot -Tpng hello.gv -o hello.png
Simple Graph
graph graphname { a -- b; b -- c; b -- d; d -- a; }
Same Graph, Different Layout
graph graphname {
rankdir=LR; //Rank Direction Left to Right
a -- b;
b -- c;
b -- d;
d -- a;
Simple Digraph (Directional Graph)
digraph graphname{ a -> b; b -> c; a -> c; }
Simple Digraph with Labels
digraph graphname{ T [label="Teacher"] // node T P [label="Pupil"] // node P T->P [label="Instructions", fontcolor=darkgreen] // edge T->P }
Same Graph, Different Shape and Colour
digraph graphname { T [label="Teacher" color=Blue, fontcolor=Red, fontsize=24, shape=box] // node T P [label="Pupil" color=Blue, fontcolor=Red, fontsize=24, shape=box] // node P T->P [label="Instructions", fontcolor=darkgreen] // edge T->P }
More Advanced
Define first
digraph hierarchy { nodesep=1.0 // increases the separation between nodes node [color=Red,fontname=Courier,shape=box] //All nodes will this shape and colour edge [color=Blue, style=dashed] //All the lines look like this Headteacher->{Deputy1 Deputy2 BusinessManager} Deputy1->{Teacher1 Teacher2} BusinessManager->ITManager {rank=same;ITManager Teacher1 Teacher2} // Put them on the same level }
You can now use HTML to define these sort of blocks.
digraph structs { node[shape=record] struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> mid\ dle|<f2> right"]; struct2 [label="{<f0> one|<f1> two\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord]; struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"]; struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0; struct1:f0 -> struct3:f1; }
Finite State Machine
digraph finite_state_machine { rankdir=LR; size="8,5" node [shape = circle]; S0 -> S1 [ label = "Lift Nozzle" ] S1 -> S0 [ label = "Replace Nozzle" ] S1 -> S2 [ label = "Authorize Pump" ] S2 -> S0 [ label = "Replace Nozzle" ] S2 -> S3 [ label = "Pull Trigger" ] S3 -> S2 [ label = "Release Trigger" ] }
Data Flow Diagrams
digraph dfd{ node[shape=record] store1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> Some data store"]; proc1 [label="{<f0> 1.0|<f1> Some process here\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord]; enti1 [label="Customer" shape=box]; store1:f1 -> proc1:f0; enti1-> proc1:f0; }
Data Flow Diagrams 2
digraph dfd2{ node[shape=record] subgraph level0{ enti1 [label="Customer" shape=box]; enti2 [label="Manager" shape=box]; } subgraph cluster_level1{ label ="Level 1"; proc1 [label="{<f0> 1.0|<f1> One process here\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord]; proc2 [label="{<f0> 2.0|<f1> Other process here\n\n\n}" shape=Mrecord]; store1 [label="<f0> |<f1> Data store one"]; store2 [label="<f0> |<f1> Data store two"]; {rank=same; store1, store2} } enti1 -> proc1 enti2 -> proc2 store1 -> proc1 store2 -> proc2 proc1 -> store2 store2 -> proc1 }
Object Inheritance
digraph obj{ node[shape=record]; rankdir="BT"; teacher [label = "{<f0> Teacher|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; course [label = "{<f0> Course|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; student [label = "{<f0> Student|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; lesson [label = "{<f0> Lesson |<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; tutorial [label = "{<f0> Tutorial|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; assessment[label = "{<f0> Assessment|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; coursework [label = "{<f0> Coursework|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; exam [label = "{<f0> Exam|<f1> \n |<f2> \n }"]; {rank=same; teacher course student} teacher->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="none",arrowtail="normal",headlabel="1",taillabel="1.."]; student->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="none",arrowtail="normal",headlabel="1",taillabel="1.."]; lesson->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="diamond",arrowtail="normal"]; tutorial->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="diamond",arrowtail="normal"]; assessment->course [dir="forward",arrowhead="diamond",arrowtail="normal"]; coursework->assessment; exam->assessment; }
Entity Relationship
digraph ER{ node[shape=box]; Book; Customer; Loan; {rank=same;Book,Customer,Loan} Book->Loan[dir="forward",arrowhead="crow",arrowtail="normal"]; Customer->Loan[dir="forward",arrowhead="crow",arrowtail="normal"]; }