Low Latency Programming

Table of Contents

Linux kernel tuning

  • page cache (kernel) lock contention
  • power management tuning in BIOS & OS
  • mapped file access faults & safepoints
  • Out-of-the box Linux has come bad defaults
  • Page cache: vm.min_free_kbytes [needs > 1GB]
  • Transparent Huge Pages (THP) [should be turned off]
  • Swappines [should be set to 0]
  • zone_claim_info [should be set to 0]

Programming Optimization


  • Temporal locality and Spatial locality

    Program code and data has temporal and spatial locality. This means that, over short periods of time, there is a good chance that the same code or data gets reused:

    • Temporal locality refers to the reuse of specific data, and/or resources, within a relatively small time duration.
    • Spatial locality refers to the use of data elements within relatively close storage locations.

C++ Optimization

  • Optimise your data layout to benefit from Cache Coherence: When you are processing things in a tight loop, you want to make the data for each iteration as small as possible, and as close together as possible in memory. This way, when the CPU fetches the data for the first iteration of your loop, the next several iterations worth of data will get loaded into the cache with it. (There is famous example with two loop and in the right loop code accesses consecutive memory addresses, which not only utilizes cache coherency, but prefetching as well
  • GCC has a function called __builtin_expect which lets you inform the compiler what the value of a result probably is. GCC can use that data to optimize conditionals to perform as quickly as possible in the expected case, with slightly slower execution in the unexpected case.
    if(__builtin_expect(entity->extremely_unlikely_flag, 0)) {
      // code that is rarely run
  • Look at memory usage, look at branching penalties, Look at function call overhead, look at pipeline utilisation.
  • Look at virtual function calls, excessive callstack depth, etc. A common cause for bad performance is the erroneous belief that base classes must be virtual.
  • Be careful of excessive allocation/deallocation. If it’s performance critical, don’t call into the runtime.
  • Avoid copy constructors. If it can be a const reference, make it one.
  • Remove unnecessary branches.

Memory and cache

Memory hierarchy(L1, L2, L3)

  • CPU registers (8-256 registers) – immediate access, with the speed of the inner most core of the processor
  • L1 CPU caches (32 KiB to 512 KiB; ~4 cycles) – fast access, with the speed of the inner most memory bus owned exclusively by each core
  • L2 CPU caches (128 KiB to 24 MiB; ~10 cycles) – slightly slower access, with the speed of the memory bus shared between twins of cores
  • L3 CPU caches (2 MiB to 32 MiB; ~40 – 75 cycles) – even slower access, with the speed of the memory bus shared between even more cores of the same processor
  • Main physical memory (RAM) (256 MiB to 64 GiB) – slow access, the speed of which is limited by the spatial distances and general hardware interfaces between the processor and the memory modules on the motherboard
  • Disk (virtual memory, file system) (1 GiB to 256 TiB, ~250 ms) – very slow
  • Remote Memory (such as other computers or the Internet)

Cache friendly data structures

  • Data structures that are contained within a single cache-line are more efficient.
  • Use appropriate containers (e.g. prefer reserved std::vector than std::list).
  • Organize your data to avoid alignment holes (sorting your struct members by decreasing size is one way).
  • Don’t neglect the cache in data structure and algorithm design.
  • Use smaller data types
  • Beware of the standard dynamic memory allocator, which may introduce holes and spread your data around in memory as it warms up.
  • Make sure all adjacent data is actually used in the hot loops. Otherwise, consider breaking up data structures into hot and cold components, so that the hot loops use hot data.
  • Avoid algorithms and datastructures that exhibit irregular access patterns, and favor linear data structures.
  • Know and exploit the implicit structure of data.

Write cache friendly code

  • Place related data close in memory to allow efficient caching – the principle of locality
  • Understand how cache lines work
  • Use appropriate data structures
  • Avoid unpredictable branches
  • Avoid virtual functions
  • Avoid false sharing problem
  • When context switch happens the processor involved is likely to lose the data in its caches.
  • Try to have regular access pattern that will let hardware prefetcher to work efficiently.
  • Start addressing what is called temporal locality
  • Merge loops that touch the same data (loop fusion), and employing rewriting techniques known as tiling or blocking

Following those rules will minimize numer of page faults (caused by thrashing) – latency killer.



To give you an idea on the type of optimizations we’re doing:

  • Our applications are using IPC shared memory for the aboslute lowest latency between our trading processes.
  • We get a 10 Gigabit hand off from our co-located market data provider going into a hardware based ticker planet which our servers subscribe to for market data via infiniband by passing the TCP stack using RDMA “Remote direct memory access”.
  • We cross connect many exchange feeds directly to our infrastructure system we trading all major asset classes and are co-located in the same physical buildings as the major exchanges like NYSE, TSX, BATs, CME, NYSE. ARCA, FXALL etc..
  • We utilizing Linux Realtime and currently looking at writing custom processes running on Cuda GPU’s for our models.
  • We do some nitfy tricks to limit resource consumption on our servers like CPU shielding/processor affinity, IRQ balance, splitting order entry nics, and market data nics etc..

Some Examples

LMAX is a low latency financial trading platform having such metrics:

  • High throughput >100k messages/second
  • Sustained capacity to process 5k orders/second or 400 million orders/day
  • Average trade latency is 4 ms

The LMAX Architecture is valuable for low latency system engineers.


  • jHiccup (JAVA) jHiccup allows developers, systems operators and performance engineers to easily create and analyze response time profiles, and to clearly identify whether causes of application delays reside in the application code or in the underlying runtime platform.
  • HdrHistogram A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
  • Detect issues and tune with mpstat, memprof, strace, ltrace, blktrace, valgrind, latencytop, tcptrack
  • Kernel trapping with systemtap, similar to dtrace

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Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2017-12-24 Sun 19:06

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
